Zodiac Academy 2 - Ruthless Fae
نام کتاب: Ruthless Fae
نام نویسنده: Caroline Peckham, Susanne Valenti
سال انتشار: 2019
مجموعه: Zodiac Academy #2
تعداد صفحه: 626
زبان: English
امتیاز گودریدز:4.25(تقریبی)
قطع:رقعی (cm21*14cm)
نوع جلد: سخت ( هاردکاور)
نوع کاغذ:بالک (کرم رنگ)
داستان کتاب:
They tried to break us. They almost did But we're not going anywhere. The Celestial Heirs think the stars are on their side. But they don't know what's coming. Fighting them one on one isn't an option so we have to be stealthy. Remaining under the radar won't be easy, but if we pull it off, they'll never suspect our involvement when their lives start falling apart. Besides, they've already taken us to the brink of hell, what more can they really do?