Zodiac Academy - Cursed Fates
نام کتاب: Cursed Fates
نام نویسنده: Caroline Peckham, Susanne Valenti
سال انتشار: 2021
مجموعه: Zodiac Academy #5
تعداد صفحه: 985
زبان: English
امتیاز گودریدز:4.33(تقریبی)
قطع:رقعی (cm21*14cm)
نوع جلد: سخت (هاردکاور)
نوع کاغذ:بالک (کرم رنگ)
داستان کتاب:
After the devastating events at Zodiac Academy, we have to deal with this darker world we're faced with. Lionel seeks to hurt us, the Nymphs seek to hurt the entire Fae race, and between all of it, we just have to try and survive each day as it comes. I'm afraid of everything falling apart, but it looks like it already has.